With Colton down to his final four, let’s take a closer look at each of his remaining ladies. Here we break down Hannah Godwin’s chances of winning.
For being one of the quieter girls in the house, Hannah Godwin made a big impression very quickly on this season of The Bachelor. She and Colton Underwood had an instant physical connection, one that lasted throughout the episodes despite his making her wait a bit for her first one-on-one.
But is chemistry enough to lock down the Bach? What are her chances of winning it all? Let’s check out Hannah’s pros and cons list!
- She nabbed the first impression rose. This is always a dead giveaway that a contestant will go far in the competition. Colton says that Hannah Godwin “reminds him of home.” If that sounds familiar, it’s because it’s the same phrase that Becca Kufrin kept repeating to season winner Garrett Yrigoyen on the last Bachelorette. It’s hard for any other woman to compete with that!
- They can’t keep their hands off of one another. This one speaks for itself. Did you SEE them in the mudbath during their one-on-one?
- Colton has said he is falling in love with her. Why the $&^@ did The Bachelor edit out this deleted scene?! When Colton gave the group date rose to Hannah during the last episode, he told her outright that he was falling in love with her. Call Mike Fleiss! Looks like we have a front-runner!
We all knew Hannah G. got the 🌹, but we never saw it until now! Enjoy this bonus scene from #TheBachelor. pic.twitter.com/9Plbwgggxn
— The Bachelor (@BachelorABC) February 20, 2019
- She’s steered clear of drama. A little can go a long way in this department, especially with Colton. He’s the Bachelor who has been known to send girls packing for getting into a fight. Hannah’s keeping her head down is probably the best strategy.
- She’s introverted. As an introvert myself, I can attest that while this is in no way a bad trait to have, it can potentially burn you when you’re trying to stand out in a group of people. The other women in Colton’s Final Four are very outspoken. Hopefully they won’t walk all over Hannah Godwin.
- She’s only had a single one-on-one. Whereas Final Four members Tayshia and Caelynn have already double-dipped, Hannah has only had her one encounter with Colton. Granted, it was completely electric, but ideally a contestant still needs as much time as possible to reconnect with the Bachelor before he makes his final decision.
Alright, Bachelor Nation: what do you think? Is Hannah Godwin this season’s winner? Really consider how Colton is responding to this Alabama beauty.