MINOR SPOILER ALERT: Elyse’s exit from The Bachelor left us with more questions than answers. Is it possible she had an ulterior motive?
Perhaps the biggest shocker of The Bachelor episode 5 was when fan favorite contestant Elyse sent herself home. While she had previously engaged in the standard complaining about other girls receiving dates, it still felt like the move came out of nowhere. One minute she was on the date of a lifetime with Colton and the next she was dressing up in her best gown to go break his heart.
Her claim? She just “couldn’t accept a proposal after a few weeks of dating.”
The internet, of course, freaked out.
Ah, Elyse. Pulling the old "please choose me now and tell everyone to go home even though we're committed to a full season, Chris Harrison's already been paid and the commercial spots have been sold." This will definitely work. #TheBachelor
— Bachelor Burn Book (@bachelorburnbk) February 5, 2019
Watching Elyse spiral this early in the season... #TheBachelor pic.twitter.com/mJQFZKnIWj
— Bracketology.tv (@bracketologytv) February 5, 2019
Elyse’s shocking announcement begged the question: does she actually know how The Bachelor works? Let me lay a little Bach conspiracy theory on you.
First of all: of course Elyse knows how the show works. She’s in her thirties, for crying out loud. No one goes into this totally blind. So if she knows how The Bachelor works, why make a stink about not accepting a proposal?
Either she changed her mind about what she wants (possible) or. . . this could be a ploy to get on Bachelor in Paradise.
Look, I know this Bachelor conspiracy theory isn’t going to be popular. Elyse was a very early season favorite. It’s hard to undermine that. But hear me out!
Bachelor in Paradise has way more dating options than The Bachelor. If you can get on, you have a pool of attractive, single men at your feet. After cultivating a reputation as Bachelor Darling, Elyse would clean house on the beaches of Paradise.
Getting on The Bachelor, cutting out early on your own terms before things get really messy and staying treasured in the hearts of Bachelor fans everywhere is a truly winning recipe. Heck, fans and alumni are already calling for Elyse to be placed on the new season!
If Elyse isn’t on Bachelor in Paradise I will riot
— Evan Bass (@ebassclinics) February 5, 2019
Honestly, if this was Elyse’s end game we don’t really blame her. Girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do to find the right man.
Whether it was her original intention or not, I think there’s a high chance that we will see Elyse donning a bikini this summer. What do you think? Will you be watching?