Fans were scratching their heads when contestant Kirpa Sudick showed up on The Bachelor with a mysterious chin injury. Here’s what happened.
We love a good relatable moment on The Bachelor. For some reason, there’s something really cathartic about seeing a girl break down, get a little tipsy in the mansion halls or wear a tacky outfit. It makes us root for these ladies just a little bit harder!
So when contestant Kirpa Sudick got injured on set, we had some goofy memes and tweets to make about her “oops” moment, but otherwise we could completely understand. As it turns out, the story behind the mysterious injury is just as relatable! Check out this Bachelor behind-the-scenes clip below, which explains in full how Kirpa got that ill-placed bandage.
Basically, Kirpa was trying to be basic (her words, not mine!) and take a pretty photo when she slipped and fell on some slippery rocks. The result was five gnarly stitches and a sprained wrist. Way to stay strong, girl. Don’t worry, Kirpa: we like you more than Thailand does!
This isn’t the first time a crazy accident has happened on one of the Bachelor series. Who can forget last season on The Bachelorette, when David “Chicken” Ravitz fell face first out of a bunk bed. He didn’t come away from the incident looking quite as pretty as Kirpa does.
I guess it just goes to show how crazy last night’s episode really was: there was so much drama going on between Elyse walking out and Onyeka and Nicole feuding that Kirpa’s adorable injury wasn’t given even a moment of screen time. That’s some high octane Bachelor action!
Hopefully poor Kirpa begins to heal by next week. She hasn’t had a one-on-one date with Colton yet and she deserves to look a little better than she does right now when she dons a cocktail dress and a date rose. We’ll be thinking of you, Kirpa!