Walking the plank seems like the best response to some of the style choices our ladies made this week, but a few of them hit the fashion treasure chest!
Although the ladies donned pirate wench attire on the first date this week, we’re not here to judge who picked out the best eye-patch. Instead, let’s get into the wardrobe choices the girls specifically went broke over in their attempts to out-dress the Bachelor competition. Parrots and pegged-legs not included.
Catherine, Catherine, Catherine. I will admit that on the first episode I had my doubts about this blonde-haired pseudo villain, but I have come full circle in what short time she’s been with us and she has earned the best dressed spot this week.
From her navy blue matching crop top and leggings for the Bachelor’s Strongest Woman contest to her black high-waisted tube-top bikini for the pool party, Catherine likes a palette of strong, solid colors and it works for her.
She arrived to the Bachelor rose ceremony wearing a form fitting satin mustard-yellow gown with tiny straps that made her tan pop. Catherine’s only wrong this week was not receiving a rose to continue this journey. Don’t worry, girl, I’ll miss you and your sense of style and your massive amounts of hair. Oh, and your lip injections.
Second place in fashion, but first place in Colton’s heart, goes to Elyse. Our red-haired cradle-robber loves some maroon and wore it three times on the episode, then went bold with a bright red gown for the rose ceremony.
This was presumably to match the rose she already had in hand and rub it in the other girl’s faces. Respect!
When the Bachelor rose ceremony hit, one of my front-runners fell completely to the bottom. Caelynn, you’re the cutest but what in the world was that three-quarter sleeve monstrosity??
I get that you were safe tonight so you picked your ugliest option, but I’m still confused. The overall cut. The red jagged lines that crept up the dress like the fire of Hannah B.’s words coming to consume you. And did I mention the sleeves? It was a gross, awful combo of trends that should have died in the early 2000’s. You’re better than this.
Once again, farm baby Demi ends up in this ranking. Although not the worst, her overall choices continue to showcase her young age and passion for ruffles putting her in 2nd place. We get it, you’re young and fun and still shop at Forever 21. All I’m asking for is one week of The Bachelor sans flowy, lacy, ruffle-y garbage, Demi!
Until next week!