Check out this short list of awesome ladies from The Bachelor as we prepare for a night of meeting new contestants.
In Bachelor Nation, there’s a healthy mix of contestants to hate and contestants to love.
Let’s be real, it’s always a little easier to remember the villains. They get a hyper-concentrated story line and usually at least one or two of them find their way onto Bachelor in Paradise as the person to stir up trouble. Can we ever forget Krystal Nielson’s fake voice (. . . Or was that her real voice? The people need answers!) or Corinne Olympios’ hilarious one liners (“Platinum Vagine,” that’s all I’m saying)?
The contestants that we love get slightly less fanfare, but deserve all of our praise. As we approach a new season of The Bachelor, we’re all hoping that another fan darling finds her way into the spotlight. We need someone to root for! Someone we can all follow on Instagram and shamelessly model ourselves after!
What makes for a great contestant? Is there a “type” of competitor we all tend to love? Or do some ladies break the mold?
As we prepare for brand new episodes that premiere later tonight, let’s take a look back at 7 of the most beloved Bachelor contestants of recent seasons. Some are still making waves while others have slipped under the radar, but they all deserve our undying affection.
Check out the list and then let us know if there’s any Bachelor lady you’d add to the list!