40. Contestants Get Gift Bags With Lots of Goodies In Them
They might not have personal stylists or chefs, but the ladies on the Bachelor get swag bags with all sorts of fun stuff. It might be a small consolation to just get bikinis and beauty products, but the stuff is probably pretty nice.
The bags are packed full of items from the show’s sponsors, so it’s bound to be full of handy things like makeup, clothes and bikinis. The bikinis are of particular interest, since there is a lot of time spent poolside, sipping booze and lamenting how much time they have or have not spent with their lovey? Where would all these ladies be without a wealth of bikinis for all the down time by the pool?
If you think about it, the show gets off pretty easy in this respect. It could get pretty pricey to pay every single person who appears on the show. Giving them gift bags with items that were probably free anyway, is a good way to outsource some of that expense. It’s a win/win situation since the contestants don’t really know how long they’ll be there or how far into the relationship they’ll endure.
Since contestants don’t get paid to be on the show, these are like little tokens given to keep morale up. When they get restless, bored or resentful of being used, sponsors and producers ply them with gifts to keep them quiet and happy.