This season of The Bachelor has seen every emotion on the spectrum. From crazy girl drama, to super romantic one-on-one dates. But which of the remaining girls have real potential to be Nick’s future wife?
Now we’re more than halfway though this 21st season of The Bachelor, and there are only 12 girls remaining. With the focus on Corinne and her drama with the other housemates, it’s easy to forget that Nick is trying to find love.
Looking passed all the drama, here is a list of the top three girls that could truly have a future with Nick.
3. Rachel
The connection Rachel and Nick have is undeniable. The way they look at each other really makes it seem like they have a genuine connection, and not something manufactured for television.
She is smart, witty and seems to keep Nick on his toes. It’s always refreshing when to see the women teaching Nick something. Their date in New Orleans was very meaningful to her, and you could tell she was very comfortable and willing to open up about her life.
The only obstacle between them and a happy future, is Rachel’s father.
2. Raven
The southern belle is the next woman that could be Nick’s future wife. She has the southern charm and isn’t afraid to get down and dirty. She is very polite, but won’t back down if she is challenged.
When she told Nick that she loved him really proved that she has true feelings for him. This might have been a big mistake, but hopefully she is embraced by Nick and not pushed away.
Her being able to meet Nick’s parents gives her an advantage over the other girls. His parents seemed to like her, which may bode well for her potential future with Nick.
1. Vanessa
The beautiful, brown haired beauty. Vanessa never seems to be at the center of anything, but she always sticks around. She is able to bring out a different side of Nick, one that makes him open up and be vulnerable, instead of a sexually driven.
Seeing the raw emotion from Nick on their date, was something that truly shows how comfortable Nick is with her, and how willing he is to show her a side of him that others may not get a chance to see.
Nick being excited about the future for the two of them, paired with Vanessa’s winning personality really makes them have great odds for a happy and fulfilled future together.