Follow the contestants of The Bachelor Season 21 on social media as they compete for the affections and love of Nick Viall.
Unfortunately there are only so many episodes of The Bachelor to keep a rabid fanbase entertained. But your engrossment with the show doesn’t have to start and end with your DVR, you can keep up with the cast on their various social media accounts.
While the contestants aren’t allowed to reveal the outcome of the show, there won’t be a whole lot of digging to be done to find out information ahead of time. That being said, you can get to know the contestants a little bit better and you can see what they’re up to in their daily lives.
If you’re lucky, you might get some post-episode reactions as the season unfolds.
Here is a list of every contestant’s social media accounts, courtesy of IBTimes:
Nick Viall – The Bachelor
Instagram: @nickviall
Twitter: @viallnicholas28
Snapchat: nickviall
Chris Harrison – Host
Instagram: @chrisbharrison
Twitter: @chrisbharrison
Alexis Waters
Instagram: @awatazzz
Angela Amezcua
Instagram @angkay7
Twitter: @angkay7
Astrid Loch
Instagram: @astridloch
Briana Guertler
Instagram: @lilbricheez
Snapchat: lilbricheez
Brittany Farrar
Instagram: @brittany__paige913
Twitter: @BritFarrar13
Christen Whitney
Instagram: @christen__mae
Twitter: @christen_mae_
Snapchat: christenmae
Corinne Olympios
Instagram: @colympios
Twitter: @CorinneOly
Snapchat: Colympios
Danielle Lombard
Instagram: @daniellellombard
Danielle Maltby
Instagram: @dmmaltby
Liz Sandos
Instagram: @aromancedlife
Elizabeth Whitelaw
Instagram: @elizabethwhitelaw
Snapchat: elizabethw22
Hailey Merkt
Instagram: @hageymeister
Twitter: @haileymerkt
Snapchat: haileymerkt
Ida Marie Santos
Instagram: @idaaamariiee
Jaimi King
Instagram: @msjaimiking
Jasmine Brown
Instagram: @jasmine_channel
Jasmine Goode
Instagram: @jasminegoode_
Twitter: @jasminegoode24
Snapchat: jas_goode
Josephine Tutman
Instagram: @josephinetutman
Snapchat: joleah92
Kristina Schulman
Instagram: @kristinaschulman
Lauren Hussey
Instagram: @lauren.renee.hussey
Twitter: @laurenreneehuss
Snapchat: laurenreneehuss
Michelle Ramkisson
Twitter: @meeechellle_
Olivia Burnette
Instagram: @olivia__burnette
Snapchat: liveybsnappin
Raven Gates
Instagram: @ravennicolegates
Snapchat: ravengates
Sarah Vendal
Instagram: @sarahvendal
Snapchat: sarahvendal
Susannah Milan
Instagram: @susigmilan
Taylor Nolan
Instagram: @taymocha
Vanessa Grimaldi
Twitter: @vanessagrimaldi
Whitney Fransway
Instagram: @whitneyfransway
Snapchat: whitneyfransway